Lissa Cordova

Women are blessed with nurturing souls who know no limit. This makes it hard to set boundaries and we often end up drained or sick. Maya Anjelou says: “As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.” will show you how to balance care of your mind, body, and spirit unapologetically.
SERVICES/OFFERING: Coaching sessions featuring easy yoga poses, positive psychology exercises, mindfulness techniques, energy work and tarot card readings. Growth workshops that can be attended individually or in a group setting. Learn to manifest your goals with the help of vision jars, let go of attachments and limiting beliefs with purposeful journaling, and perform rituals to cleanse your space and level up your positive energy.
BENEFITS: “We believe in the Hermetic Principle of Polarity and we choose to focus on the positive side of that spectrum. What you pay attention to is what ultimately grows. We use Martin Seligman’s Character Strengths and Virtues manual to overcome any mental, emotional, or physical obstacle in your life. Together, we will identify your strengths and how to use them to your advantage.”
METHOD: In person and virtually.
INSPIRATION: From A Course in Miracles: Illness is some form of external searching. Health is inner peace. “Healing comes from a place of deep gratitude, trust, and intention. Be ruthless with your shadow, don’t be afraid of it, confront it. When you feel shame, guilt, and anger blind your mind, let your spirit observe those emotions. Let them wash over you while you forgive and love yourself unconditionally. If the pain comes from another, remember the way someone else reacts to you has more to do with their own experiences and pain than with you. You are but a mirror.”
CLIENT EXPERIENCE: “One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had was while coaching a client suffering from nightmares, depression, anxiety, and gastrointestinal issues. While working together on an exercise that asked the question: What’s one thing you do that makes you feel energized? She answered: “Coaching sessions with you!””
BACKGROUND: Fully bilingual (English and Spanish). Graduated top of her class at Daytona State College and holds certifications in Positive Psychology and Jungian Tarot Card Reading.