Grab Your Spot! Special May 2023 - Women in Wellness Series

Don’t miss your opportunity to connect with the top experts in women’s health and well-being!
We are excited to announce women’s health pioneer Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN, NP, author and creator of the PBS show, Is It Me or My Hormones? will be hosting our weekly Women’s Wellness Series in May! Plus, she will be featuring an ongoing lineup of women’s health experts for our new monthly show Women’s Integrative Health beginning in June.
Learning to cope with stress is important for your mental and physical well-being, and women are more likely than men to suffer stress-related health symptoms. This is why the Women’s Wellness Series will focus on “Overcoming Stress: How to Balance It All.”
Each Tuesday in May we are bringing to you some of the most influential experts in the field of women’s health. If you were to attend presentations and workshops from these experts separately, it would cost you thousands of dollars (if you could even get a seat). As an introduction to KnoWEwell, we are offering this award winning line-up for the cost of a cup of coffee a month. For that price you don’t get one session, but the entire series!
Join us each Tuesday in May at 5 p.m. PDT / 8 p.m. EDT, as the top integrative health and functional medicine experts present cutting-edge insights into the many ways that stress can impact hormones, thyroid function, fertility, and libido. You will come away with tangible recommendations to manage stress and improve aging, mindset, skin care and sleep. Don’t worry if you miss a live session because your registration includes a one-year KnoWEwell Explorer membership to the Regenerative Whole Health Hub. As a member you will have access to a recording of each presentation.
The Explorer membership also offers an array of benefits including access to thousands of evidence-based articles, hundreds of topic-specific communities, over 100 expert courses, monthly online events (including the June Men’s Health Series), trusted community directories, health library and so much more.
JOIN AND CLAIM YOUR SPOT NOW!The Schedule: Overcome Stress: Balance It All |
Aging Gracefully - Tuesday, May 2nd
Carol A. Penn, DO, MA, ABOM, FACOFP, best-selling author of Meditation in a Time of Madness, shares tips on anti-aging, utilizing meditation in daily life, and movement as medicine.
Jaquel Patterson, ND, MBA, IFMCP, naturopathic physician, success coach, and author of Women and Lyme, discusses strategies to reset your sleep and improve your circadian rhythm.
Stress, Skin and Beauty Care - Tuesday, May 9th
Trevor Cates, ND, author of Clean Skin From Within and known as “The Spa Dr,” will examine how stress and hormonal imbalances impact your skin, and tips to have a radiant, clear complexion at any age.
Anne Marie Fine, ND, Medical Director of Environmental Medicine Education International and author of Cracking the Beauty Code, shares how to decrease the toxic burdens on your skin.
Stress and Your Sex Drive - Tuesday, May 16th
Anna Cabeca, DO, OBGYN, FACOG, triple board certified, author of The Hormone Fix, host of “The Girlfriend Doctor Show,” explores the impact of stress on your libido and how to reestablish a healthy, natural sex drive.
Stress, Thyroid and Hormones - Tuesday, May 23rd
Carrie Jones, ND, MPH, FABNE, a naturopathic physician examines the relationship between stress and your thyroid gland.
Lorraine Maita, MD, author of Vibrance for Life: How to Live Younger and Healthier, provides helpful strategies to reduce stress and its impact on your hormones.
Kela Smith, PhD, DNM, DHM, BCFN, author of multiple books on fertility, hormones, and pregnancy, as well as seven distinct online courses, shares stress impacts and tips to increase fertility.
Jaclyn Smeaton, ND, a leading expert on integrative approaches to infertility, reproductive, and genitourinary health, discusses the root causes of infertility and how to restore reproductive health.