Entity Possession Seminar in October

Authors Dr. Dave and Mary DiSano of Divinely Touched will present Entity Possession: History, Symptoms & Solutions, based on their book, Divinely Touched: Transform Your Life, during October in Port St. Lucie and Palm Beach Gardens.
During their interactive power-point presentation, the DiSanos will discuss research and personal experience on how negative entities are attracted, types, their effect on physical and mental health and why individuals may be affected by them. Mary will also conduct a clearing and healing prayer at the conclusion of the workshop.
The DiSanos have been featured speakers at holistic expos nationally and have appeared on TV and national radio shows. Mary DiSano is an energy healer and motivational speaker. Dave DiSano, Ph.D., is a psychologist, certified hypnotherapist and author of Holistic Mental Health-Revised that compares traditional and alternative therapies for mental disorders.
Seminars will be held Saturday, October 7 at 4 p.m. at The Scented Dragon, 6991 Hancock Dr., Port St. Lucie; Saturday, October 14 at the Spirit Fest: Metaphysical, Holistic & Crystal Expo at the MIDFLORIDA Credit Union Event Center, 9221 SE Civic Center Place, Port Saint Lucie; and Friday, October 28 at 6:30 p.m. at Jamar’s Enlightenment Center, 4595 Northlake Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens. For more information, visit DivinelyTouched.com.