Candice Klein Gordon Returns to Melbourne Massage & Colon Hydrotherapy practice

Candice Klein Gordon of Health Connections Massage & Colon Therapy is pleased to announce she has returned to Melbourne to continue her massage and colon hydrotherapy practice. She is looking forward to seeing her current clients and is eager to meet and work with all who desire to be empowered to live a healthy lifestyle.
“Since beginning my own colon health program in 1987, colon health has gained more popularity as it has been linked to more energy, decreased gas and bloating, increased immunity, and newest research indicates colon health is related to brain health and cognition,” says Klein Gordon. “It’s imperative to recognize that 80% of the immune system is rooted in the intestines. Diet management and colon health are behaviors that we each have the power to modify and improve so that our body has the best fighting chance for optimal health.”
All personalized treatments are by appointment: Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., and Monday 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Health For Life Wellness Center, 402 Babcock St, Ste 101, Melbourne. For more information and appointments, call or text 321-480-8654.