2024 Natural Living Directory Coming in April

The 2024 Natural Living Directory will hit the streets in April and is an issue readers will want to keep year-round. This handy reference will be your guide to healthy living and a healthy planet – your natural phone book.
In this popular resource issue, readers can find a practitioner by specialty index. Wellness profiles will provide in-depth information, highlighting the wealth of local health resources in our community that support a healthier, natural path to wellness. The Natural Library section features book spotlights offering readers a sample of our local authors.
"Each year this issue is transformed into a convenient reference guide to natural health, sustainable living, and healthy choices," shares publisher Kris Urquhart. "If your business offers related products and services, or you have written a book, make sure you are listed so our readers can find you."
For advertising information or to submit listings visit NLD.my-NA.com or call 321-426-0080 for details. Early-bird savings available until February 5.