Live and Give Charity Yoga for the New Year

Julie Schueler, yoga instructor, invites everyone to make Live and Give Charity Yoga their New Year’s Resolution. “Would you like to feel better, have fun, and work on your health all while supporting the community?” asks Schueler. 100% of donations collected for the month go to a different charity. The charities are recommended by a different student each month. This gives everyone an opportunity to support something they feel passionate about. “My contribution is renting the space and teaching the class at no charge,” says Schueler. “It’s a win-win for everyone!” They are always accepting new students who love doing hatha yoga and giving back.
There is no reservation required, just show up. Classes are held every Sunday from 10-11 a.m. Wearing comfortable exercise clothing and bringing water is suggested.
For questions and more information, call or text Julie at 321-626-7494. Live & Give Charity Yoga is held at Harness Up Fitness, 1868 US 1, Rockledge.