Dr. Yale Smith Accepting New Patients in Suntree

Yale (Yoel) R. Smith, MD is accepting new patients at his practice Center for Anti-Aging Aesthetic and Rejuvenation Medicine (CAARM) in Suntree.
Dr. Smith is the only triple board-certified medical doctor practicing Integrative and Functional Medicine on the Space and Treasure Coast and holds an Advanced Metabolic Cardiovascular Certification. He combines Traditional Medicine with Integrative and Functional, Personalized and Precision Lifestyle Medicine.
His primary care practice offers state-of-the-art methods to diagnose and treat heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, autoimmune disease, sleep disorders, hypertension, chronic fatigue, lipid issues, thyroid disease, stress hormones, erectile dysfunction, gastrointestinal disease, weight loss and toxic molds. “I have had incredible results with the Cleerly technology for heart evaluation,” says Dr. Smith. He also offers IV Chelation Therapy for Atherosclerotic Plaque for Coronary Heart Disease and Heavy Metals. “My goal is to get to the root cause of your condition by listening to you!”
See their patient reviews on Google. To read an account of how Cleerly technology saved one patient’s life, visit myNaturalAwakenings.com/Cleerly. CAARM is located at 6765 N Wickham Rd, Ste C-105, Suntree. For more information or to make an appointment, call 321-421-7111 or visit AntiAgingIM.com.