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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Lifesmile Health Offers Plus Fiber for Colon Health

Diane Chasick is pleased to offer an Avini Health wellness product aimed at enhancing colon health. Plus Fiber, a meticulously formulated drink, addresses the common yet often overlooked issue of "Leaky Gut." This condition, characterized by the permeation of toxins into the bloodstream through small fissures in the gut lining, is targeted by Plus Fiber. It is designed to not only reduce the absorption of toxins but also repair the gut lining, thus promoting overall gut health.

"Plus Fiber supports colon health by removing heavy metals and toxins, promoting the growth of healthy bacteria, and slowing sugar absorption," Chasick explains. "Using it before your two largest meals can improve detox efficiency and help manage your nutrition more effectively."

Avini Health ensures all ingredients are active, with no fillers, enhancing its effectiveness in promoting a feeling of fullness and aiding in dietary control. This product is a significant step toward a healthier digestive system, offering users a way to feel better quickly.

For more information, call or text 321-480-9448 or visit

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