Dec 29, 2015 05:22PM
The progression of Alzheimer’s was slowed in patients taking vitamin E, and falling was reduced by half for those taking vitamin D.
A third of homes in a University of Houston random study were contaminated with an antibiotic-resistant bacteria, apparently tracked in by shoes.
People living in sunny regions have about one-sixth the rate of pancreatic cancer as those in cloudy climes.
People with autism, asked to devise fresh uses for mundane objects, came up with more original and creative ideas than those in a control group.
British scientists report that seniors that feel at least three years younger than their chronological age have almost half the early death rate of those that say they feel more than a year older.
Dec 29, 2015 05:22PM ● By Kathleen Barnes
Research reports how acupuncture is particularly powerful for back pain, headaches, allergies and digestive problems.
Dec 29, 2015 05:22PM ● By Meredith Montgomery
When we view a child’s autism as a condition that can change for the better, avenues of natural healing open up.