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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Living Nut Nog

1 cup soaked almonds (8 hours)

2-2 ½ cups filtered water or coconut water (if using coconut water, omit flax oil)

1/3 cup cashews, pine nuts, or macadamia nuts

1 ½ frozen bananas

5-7 dates (honey dates recommended)

½ tsp fresh nutmeg

turmeric (heavy pinch)

¼ tsp cinnamon

1 tsp vanilla (or ½ vanilla bean)

1 tsp flax oil

celtic salt (pinch)


Blend soaked almonds and water or coconut water until smooth and strain thru a mesh nut milk bag. Add nuts and blend again. Add frozen bananas, dates, nutmeg, turmeric, cinnamon, vanilla, flax oil (if using filtered H2O), and celtic salt, blend again. Serve over coconut ice if desired.


Kimberle Smith is the owner of A-Live & Healthy Organic Eatery & Juice Bar. The restaurant is located at 205 McLeod in Merritt Island. For more information call 321-576-0990.