Green Garden Juice: Glorious Green Goodness

This is the favorite on the Appleseed Cafe menu, as the Granny Smith apple adds just enough sweet and tart flavor to the green vegetables without too much sugar. The options are not just for flavor, but also added health benefits. People avoiding sugar frequently leave out the apple (and beet), and use the garlic, ginger, and lemon for added flavor.
Half of one large cucumber
One Granny Smith apple
6-8 stalks of parsley
3-4 stalks of chard (or kale)
2-3 ounces of spinach
3-4 stalks of celery
Options: (one or all) clove of garlic,
1/4 beet, fingertip of ginger, tbsp.
lemon juice
Juicing tip from the Cafe:
Start with the juiciest produce (like cucumber), then the leafy items, and the most fibrous items last (like celery) to avoid clogging the screen on your juicer.
Appleseed Health Foods is located at 1007 Pathfinder Way (on the corner of Murrell Rd. and Pathfinder) in Rockledge. Cafe hours 10-3 Monday – Saturday. Home of Brevard’s original 7-Day Guided Juice Fast, celebrating 5 years of satisfied fast participants. For more information stop by the store, call 321-631-1444, or visit