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Gluten-free diets and family.

Mom, your gluten-free diet can really restrict our restaurants!” I used to hear that quite often from my son. As teenage boys, pizza and Italian food is a popular choice, unfortunately, it can be a difficult food group for those on a gluten-free diet. Luckily, as gluten sensitivities have become more prevalent, restaurants and grocers are answering the demand. When I first embarked on a gluten-free diet the health food store was the only place to find a gluten-free product. Now I can find gluten-free brownie mix in our local grocery store. Many restaurants offer gluten-free menus and some pizzerias even offer gluten-free pizza crust.

“A study at the University of Maryland School of Medicine’s Center for Celiac Research estimates that 6 percent of the U.S. population, or more than 18 million individuals, have some sensitivity to gluten, a protein found in wheat (including kamut and spelt), barley, rye, malts and triticale,” states Claire O’Neil in Trust Your Gut [page 22]. As we become more aware of how our diet can impact our health, more people are turning to gluten-free diets to feel better. For me, swollen joints and fatigue were quickly eliminated. I have heard that there is the perception that a gluten-free diet is a weight-loss diet. While many who suffer from gluten sensitivity may lose weight, I have found that since chocolate and ice cream are gluten-free (thank goodness), choices still matter!

In this issue we offer tips and recipes to help make the transition to gluten-free easy. The directory on page 28 offers local resources that can help with products, support, dining, and determining if you suffer from gluten sensitivity. Also, to celebrate Yoga Month we have put together a yoga guide to highlight the many styles of yoga. This section is ripe with yoga resources to help you find your perfect match. And in our Green Living column you can discover earth-friendly, feel-good fabrics for your wardrobe. Enjoy this issue and I hope you find a tip or idea that enhances your healthy lifestyle.

Here’s to a happy, healthy September!


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