C'mon Get Happy!

“I’ll be so happy when summer gets here!” I catch myself saying this about the same time each year. During the last few weeks of school, I look forward to not having to worry if I have food to pack in the school lunch box or if the laundry is done. I enjoy the unstructured time that summer brings. However, I’ve read many times that we should avoid the “I’ll be happy when” trap. For example, I’ll be happy when I get a new job, or a new car, or a new partner. Hinging our happiness to an external event means we are setting our happiness to occur in the future rather than experiencing it now. While I agree with that concept, I also find that looking forward to events I know are going to happen can make me feel happy.
According to Judith Fertig in our feature article, Life Lift, “The moment-to-moment path to happiness follows a trail blazed by paradox. A recent University of Missouri College of Business study by Marsha Richins, Ph.D., suggests that happiness is in the wanting, not the getting.” Wanting can certainly be a positive emotion, yet I have to point out that after “getting” my iPad, I have some pretty happy moments enjoying all the things I can do with it. It is clear that we all have certain things that help make us feel positive and they can be different for each of us.
The theme for this issue is Being Happy from the Inside Out. You’ll find tips to make this happen in our feature article, as well as ideas from experts in our community that specialize in helping people find their way to happiness. Discover how color can help and heal by influencing our perception, attitudes and behaviors. Explore how raising children changes men and enjoy some fresh recipes for summer. Plus, with Father’s Day this month we offer ideas for dads to make the most of their time with their daughters. This summer I hope you indulge in the activities that bring you happiness.
Keep on smiling!
Kris Urquhart, Publisher