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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Sister Docs

Jan 02, 2016 11:13AM ● By Kris Urquhart

Kris, I have this friend who is in dire need. Do you think your doctor can help?” While having lunch with my good friend Karen, we were reviewing all the people we knew who were struggling. She was very worried about one mom in particular with seven kids who had reached her breaking point. A year prior, we had assisted another friend who had lost her zest for life. Her hormonal swings were so extreme her husband reached out for help. Since she lived in an area three hours away, we did a little footwork and found her a local Functional Medicine doctor. Now she is much improved and continues to work with her doctor.

In our feature article [page 24], The Rise of Functional Medicine, author Lisa Marshall states, “Functional medicine doctors 
don’t shy away from prescription drugs when necessary, but they do lean decidedly toward the lower-tech modalities, using dietary supplements, allergen-free diets, exercise, mind-body practices and toxin avoidance as their primary tools.”

Years ago I suffered from many of the same symptoms, with no energy or desire to engage in life; I was just getting by. Through testing, my family’s Functional Medicine MD identified my vitamin deficiencies and hormonal imbalances that needed to be addressed. Each change we’ve made has brought a marked improvement. We continue to work together so I progress on a path of health and well being.

“It was like having a sister for a doctor,” says Lauren Zambrelli in our feature article. I completely agree, with one successful experience after another, my doctor has become a trusted friend and we feel incredibly blessed to have her in our lives.

In this issue we bring you resources to create your own wellness team. We encourage you to call on the practitioners on pages 28-29 and throughout the magazine to support your wellness journey. Discover how creative movement connects body, mind and spirit on page 20. Consider options for treating autism naturally. Try a creative twist on old favorites soup recipes. And learn how our beliefs reprogram our genetic destiny. As you start the New Year, we wish you peace, health and happiness in 2016.

Happy New Year!

Kris Urquhart, Publisher

Build Your Wellness Dream Team



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