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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Creating Sustainable Habits One at a Time

Apr 02, 2016 12:14PM ● By Kris Urquhart

As part of my effort to eat healthier and live more sustainably, I’ve decided to visit a new outlet of local produce every few weeks. My goal is to become familiar with what is available and frequent my favorites. My recent trip to a local farm yielded my first view at a turmeric root (very spider-like), baby bok choy and farm fresh eggs. I also learned about their upcoming organic blueberry season and am looking forward to those sweet berries in large quantities!

In our feature article, Everyday Sustainability [page 28], Gina Miresse, with the Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA), tell us, “It’s easy to start at home by adopting one new practice and sticking with it until it becomes a habit; then add a second practice and so on. This keeps people from getting overwhelmed.”

This has certainly worked for me. Slowly but surely we have been replacing products with sustainable options. A resource that has been really helpful is the Environmental Working Group ( They rate products based on their ingredients. In addition, they recently started an EWG Verified program so that companies that meet their standards can put EWG Verified on their label. I have already switched some of my products to an EWG verified company and it is so much easier than having to check every product.

In addition to improving our food and product choices I’ve also been clearing clutter. I even gave my sock drawer an overhaul, which is a first for me. According to Marie Kondo in our Wise Words column [page 32], “It’s not about a set of rules, but acquiring the right mindset for becoming a tidy person. Think in concrete terms, so that you can picture what it would be like 
to live in a clutter-free space.” For me, finding ten minutes daily for small decluttering efforts is helping to create a habit of tidiness. The idea of adopting one new practice at a time is perfect for many areas of my life.

In this issue we offer many tips and ideas to help you choose sustainable options every day. Together we can make a difference.

Here’s to a clean and healthy spring!

Kris Urquhart, Publisher

Build Your Wellness Dream Team



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