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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Let there be peace on earth…

Nov 28, 2016 11:46AM ● By Kris Urquhart

My mom started a family holiday tradition in which we all hold hands and each take a turn saying what we are grateful for. When we were younger we would roll our eyes and say “aw, moooom”, but as usual, mom knew what she was doing. This kind of ritual helps cement our bonds as a family and emphasizes for us what is important in life. It brings a sense of peace and togetherness regardless of what is happening in the world around us.

“We are each a wave on the ocean of existence. Even though we are separate waves, we carry the essence of the same ocean,” says Kamini Desai, director of education for the Amrit Yoga Institute. Desai shares her perspective on the heart connection of life in our feature article, Loving Large [page 20]. I find that I am resonating with messages like this of peace, love, and unity to help me feel grounded during this time of political discord.

Our family is a mixture of many different political, educational, and sports team affiliations. Discussing issues from many different viewpoints is one of our favorite pastimes. Over the years we have experienced logical and passionate disagreements and yet always continued to respect and love each other. In my house, sports are a never ending source of entertainment and conversation. It is amazing how much we can analyze, predict and disagree just on the subject of college football. However, I absolutely don a rival college’s team colors to show love and support for my kids. It is a small thing, but little gestures of unity can help remind us that we are all connected.

In this issue we help you prepare for your holiday celebrations with recipes including restorative drinks that can revive your good cheer [page 22] and merry munching treats for the kids. Enjoy a creating holiday decor with our fresh ideas for a gorgeously greener holiday [page 28]. Seek our tips for New Year’s resolutions that will stick and learn how to make your dog an exercise buddy. Then check out the Stress-free Holiday Guide on page 34. Here you will find tips and resources to help you keep your immune system humming and stress to a minimum this time of year. This holiday season let’s all “be love” through our actions and words. Let’s share the energy of peace and unity with our family, friends and community. Together, we can be peace on earth.

Wishing you a joyful holiday,

Kris Urquhart, Publisher

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