Yoga Teacher Training in Port St Lucie

Join PremYoga for a 200-hour yoga teacher training. The course will be held at Down To Earth Yoga Studio over ten weekends starting July 21 and ending October 22 and will be taught by Acharya PremShakti, a master teacher of 43 years.
This class is for those who want to deepen their personal yoga practice and understanding of the ancient wisdom of yoga, integrating it into daily life. Participants will develop the skills and confidence to teach yoga, and use teaching as a creative, transformational experience. “This style of yoga is based on the authentic, spiritual yoga tradition designed for self-realization, and balances a willful practice of physical and mental strength with a surrender practice of effortless effort,” says PremShakti. “This yoga system awakens healing energy and innate wisdom (prana Shakti) that guides the body into spontaneous flow (vinyasa).” Class participants will experience a strong foundation of postures with an inward focus for evolution. “Physical, mental and emotional healings occur naturally from this practice as your consciousness expands,” says Down to Earth Yoga Studio owner Melissa McClelland.
For more information, visit for tuition and specific details. Location: Down to Earth Yoga, 1649 SE Port St Lucie Blvd, Port St Lucie. 772-224-2444