Weight-Loss Support Group Meets in Rockledge

The Women on Wellness in Rockledge (WOW Rockledge) support group meets every Wednesday evening to focus on the emotional and spiritual aspects of the weight-loss journey. Participants will experience visualization, guided meditation, journaling, life coaching/hypnosis techniques, group sharing and support, group walks, healthy recipes and much more.
“If you are you looking for a fuller understanding of how weight is related to your emotional and spiritual life or you are more motivated to make personal changes in a group setting, this is perfect for you,” says Robin Higgins.
Higgins is a psychic medium and Reiki master healer who offers clairvoyant readings, shamanic healing and teaching and past-life regression. She has been giving readings and teaching spiritual development classes for more than 30 years.
Robin Higgins is available via Skype, email, phone, and in-person and by appointment at the Book & Bead store in Merritt Island. For more information, call 321-877-1377. Winds of Change is located in Rockledge.