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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

“Bah Humbug to Holiday Smiles”

Nov 29, 2017 04:21PM ● By Kris Urquhart

The holidays are here again?” I was telling my friend, Theresa, that it feels like we just finished celebrating the holidays. It couldn’t possibly be time to make lists and cook meals already. Since my boys have left the nest, my zeal for the additional holiday activities has taken a distinctive turn. If you look up “bah humbug” in the dictionary, that would describe how I was feeling about the impending holiday “chores.”

This isn’t my first year of being a bit of a scrooge. Last year we bought a nice little artificial potted tree with lights. My husband and I thought it would look nice by the front door. We stowed it indoors until we could get the extension cords from the attic. When my boys came home for the holiday break, I teased them with, “How do you like our new Christmas tree?” Expecting outrage, imagine my shock when they both thought it was great. I adapted quickly embracing the idea that the tree was already in place. Once I explained they wouldn’t have to retrieve décor from the attic or assemble the tree, a new simpler tradition was born!

Our Healing Ways column, 12 Happy Holiday Tips [page 30], helped me realign my holiday attitude. My favorite tip is: Pay attention to the smiles. I have always enjoyed the contagious nature of a smile or kind word to a stranger. This tip reminded me that showing thoughtfulness at this time-of-year can make the season even more enjoyable.

In this issue, we examine how to bridge divides in an effort to create peace. Author Lynne McTaggart shares the transformative power of small groups of people sending thoughts together for a common goal. Find out how animals groove to their own beat of music. Try some new zesty citrus holiday recipes. And consider five ways to make the New Year sparkle. I hope this issue inspires you to have a season filled with joyful activities and traditions.

Here’s to holiday smiles!


Kris Urquhart, Publisher

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