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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Stop the Pink: Giving Women Access to Breast Thermography

Shelly Gardner, a three-time cancer survivor, is launching Stop the Pink Foundation, Inc. this month. The mission is to offer women experiencing financial hardship in Indian River and Brevard County access to Thermography (Digital Infrared Thermal Imaging).

Thermography is painless, non-invasive, radiation-free and compression-free. Breast thermography has the added benefit of detecting the first signs that cancer may be forming up to 10 years earlier than any other procedure.

First diagnosed with breast cancer in her mid-30s, Gardner personally knows the hardships that cancer can cause: extended hospital stays, chemotherapy, job loss and additional complications including heart failure, renal failure, early menopause/infertility and neuropathy.

“I feel passionate about educating women on preventing breast cancer,” states Gardner. “I believe prevention is better than detection and I want no woman to have to go through what I have endured.”

Gardner started this foundation so that all women have access to thermography scans as a screening tool to detect the changes in breast cancer before a tumor forms, which is when something can actually be done about it. Prevention through thermography is the purpose of the Stop the Pink Foundation.

For more information, contact Shelly Gardner at [email protected] or 321-345-0407.

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