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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

New Connections

Oct 30, 2018 03:41PM ● By Kris Urquhart

We are living parallel lives!” When I first spoke with my new friend and team member, Marie, we instantly connected. This isn’t the first time I’ve had this kind of experience; when I meet someone and immediately click right from the start. We both recognized the signs when we spoke and it was if the stars aligned and we knew we were going to work together.

I’m excited to share, Marie Moceri-DiCanio has joined our Natural Awakenings team as an advertising consultant for the Treasure Coast. Marie previously owned her own Natural Awakenings magazine in North Carolina and has lived on the Treasure Coast since 1984. She is a perfect fit to help make connections in the community and nurture our holistic network of providers. I am so appreciative of the new energy Marie is bringing to our team and thrilled to be working with her.

In this issue, we’ve incorporated a few changes to make it easier to navigate. The newsbriefs, events calendar and ongoing calendar are separated and labeled as Space Coast and Treasure Coast to make it easy to find news and events near you. Are you a holistic business owner on the Treasure Coast? Join us for Treasure Coast LIFT (Learn & Inspire From Togetherness). This local group is making heart-felt connections each month to strengthen the bonds for a healthier community. Then on January 27th in Port St. Lucie, we are looking forward to the Awaken Fair which will bring us all together for a day of healthy fun.

This issue is jam packed with tips and resources to support a healthy lifestyle. You’ll find natural ways to supercharge your immune system. Your pet will enjoy the massage tips for dogs and cats. Explore options for home systems to purify your water and test your hydration IQ with our true/false quiz. And I’m excited to try the Chai-Spiced Sweet Potato Pie recipe on page 24 for our Thanksgiving celebration. As we gather with friends and family this month, let’s enjoy this opportunity to appreciate our loved ones.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kris Urquhart, Publisher

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