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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

We’re All in This Together

Apr 01, 2020 06:00AM ● By Kris Urquhart
Kris Urquhart, Publisher Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast

“One side effect of quarantine is I’m eating healthier!” I told my husband. As I write this letter, my husband has just begun mandatory work from home this week. Jim is antsy already; he misses the built-in social aspect of being in an office. However, he is learning to appreciate the upside of being home such as not shaving, casual dress (pajamas included), and access to homemade food for meals.

According to The New York Times, the reduction in driving and flying worldwide has reduced our climate pollution. In fact, concentrations of nitrogen dioxide, a pollutant released when fossil fuels are burned, have decreased 40 percent in China. However, the lasting effects of these reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are doubtful. The virus will pass, and people will fly, drive and sit in traffic again. But this experience presents an opportunity to recognize the changes we can make when we all work together.

In our feature article, Planet Rescue: Grassroots Strategies Combat Climate Crisis, Catherine Macdonald, TNC director of natural climate solutions for North America, shares, “There’s no one solution to climate change. We really have to try, all of us. It’s important that everyone feel they can contribute, because everything does make a difference, and no action is too small.”

This month it is more important than ever to take care of ourselves. Among these pages you will find tips for how to keep kids safe at home and how exercise can help you heal by moving through chronic pain. Check out our recipes for soothing botanical beverages that pack a healthy punch. If you are spending more time at home, consider creating a nurturing space. And finally, peruse our calendar for stress reducing and socially safe events still happenings in your area. With the daily ongoing changes, be sure and check the status of events by visiting our online calendar at and call the host before attending to learn of changes or postponements. Many of our local businesses are finding creative ways to engage with the community. Let’s support each other during this unprecedented time and come out stronger on the other side.


Be safe & be well!

Kris Urquhart, Publisher