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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Home is Where the Family Is

Oct 01, 2021 02:50PM ● By Kris Urquhart
Kris Urquhart, Publisher Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast

My adult children have been working from “home” in their original nest for the last year. Having been on their own for a time managing their personal household affairs has created habits that don’t necessarily align with how my husband and I operate. Little kitchen and tidiness clashes have brought back many memories of when they were younger. The family dynamics are still able to resurrect themselves at a moment’s notice. The difference is they are adults now, so “parenting” is a new adventure. 


In our Wise Words column on Michaeleen Doucleff on Ancient Teachings for Modern Parenting [page 30] National Public Radio (NPR) science correspondent Michaeleen Doucleff shares what she learned about parenting from the Maya in the Yucatan, the Inuit above the Arctic Circle and the Hadzabe in Tanzania. Her exploration led to the TEAM [Togetherness, Encouragement, Autonomy and Minimal interference] parenting method. Her book sounds fascinating, perhaps there are some tips for parenting with adult kids too. 


In contrast to what Doucleff found in her travels, our western culture can struggle with being overburdened with possessions. Our feature article, Less Stuff, More Joy: Ways to Live Simpler and Lighter on Mother Earth shares how stripping back to minimal belongings can lead to a feeling of clear-headedness spaciousness and lightness [page 18]. 


In this issue, we recognize Breast Cancer Awareness month with inspiration for optimal breast health. Find lifestyle choices to lower disease risks [page 22], tips for proactive breast health [page 15], and discover how Assisted Lymphatic Therapy can help prevent disease [page 16]. To support overall health, we’ve included several tasty recipes. On page 28 you’ll find fall recipes from local nutritionists; the soup and harvest bowl look like a satisfying meal. Plus, enjoy a pear and lentil salad recipe in the article Fall Fruits for Savory Dishes: Fresh Approaches to Autumn Flavors [page 26].


I hope you find ideas in this issue to nourish the body and nurture your home. 


Here’s to eternal parenting!


Kris Urquhart, Publisher


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