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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Yama's and the Niyama's Workshops at Down To Earth Yoga in Port Saint Lucie

Down to Earth Yoga Studio is pleased to offer Yama's and the Niyama's on December 10 from 2 to 4 p.m. This workshop, guided by Kelly Shrum (E-RYT 200), will share the very first steps of yoga as a foundation to both one’s physical practice and journey/purpose.

“Have you heard about yoga being more than just physical shapes? Wondered how to set an intention? This workshop will explore those questions and more,” says Shrum.

Participants will explore the first two limbs of yoga: The Yamas and Niyamasten and the ten observing themes which lie within them. The group will experience breath, movement, and meditation with these first two limbs. This workshop will include discussion, question and answer, as well as a mini foundational flow to help tap into the energies of the pillars of yoga.

“This workshop will help you to find more fulfillment in your yoga practice and your life,” says Shrum.

Workshop cost: $25. Down to Earth Yoga Studio, 1649 SE Port Saint Lucie Blvd, Port Saint Lucie. For more information, call 772-224-2444 or visit
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