Essential Oils and Women’s Health Classes in Viera/Melbourne

Alisha Connor, a Wellness Advocate with doTerra Essential Oils, will be holding two classes in May on women’s health and natural solutions using essential oils.
Connor will focus on adrenal fatigue and cancer in the class since they are among the top five health issues for which women commonly seek natural solutions. “Cortisol is one of the hormones that the adrenal glands release during stressful situations and if fatigued may show symptoms such as anxiety, exhaustion, insomnia, weight gain in the mid-section, depression, lightheadedness, irritability, hair loss, low libido and cravings of salty or sweet foods,” says Connor. “Dr. Mahmoud Suhail has successfully used a pure Frankincense essential oil from the Boswellia tree in a case of breast cancer. He notes that it is important to rely on biomarkers, imaging, and biochemical analysis as well.”
The Women's Health & Essential Oils class is offered on Thursday, May 11 and Tuesday, May 16 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. Please arrive by 6:15 p.m. for handouts and earlier if ordering food. Classes held in the back “glassed-in room” at Perkin Restaurant, 8200 N. Wickham Rd, Viera. Text Alisha, 321-426-5392 to reserve a seat(s).