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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

Pickleball Pains and Little Gains

Jul 01, 2024 03:27PM ● By Kris Urquhart
Kris Urquhart, Publisher Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast

“Dink Responsibly” is the message on a new cap I gave my husband for his birthday. In pickleball, a dink is a soft shot over the net that can catch your opponent out of range for a return. Ironically, this light-hearted quip turned into an unfortunate reality. My calf muscle tore as I rushed toward the ball when he “dinked” it over the net in a fabulous strategic play. Unfortunately, I am unable to walk unassisted and have months of recovery ahead. I am inspired by Celebrating Unseen Milestones [Online Exclusive at]. Marlaina Donato says, “For today, take a personal milestone from the shadows by honoring it or sharing it.” I plan to celebrate small progressions. Already, I am excited to show my husband when I can put more of my foot on the ground. These minor victories will lead to walking without crutches.

I’ve been considering how I will incorporate some cardio exercise while recovering. Reading Summer Splash: Keeping Cool With Water Fitness [page 28], I’m inspired to use my pool as a solution. Jane Brenner, a YMCA water aerobics instructor, explains, “The water is pushing down on you in a way that you barely even notice… It’s going to decrease pain and swelling. It’s going to do all that while decreasing impact on joints.” As soon as I’m able, I plan to incorporate pool exercises into my day.

The article Ayurvedic Seasonal Eating: How to Balance Doshas With the Right Foods [page 14] emphasizes the benefits of eating seasonal foods that align with our body's natural rhythms. Fresh, seasonal foods are packed with nutrients that help balance our doshas and promote recovery. By incorporating more seasonal fruits and vegetables into my diet, I hope to boost my healing process.

This month’s edition also covers  Nourish Skin From Within: Foods That Enhance Health and Radiance [page 18] and  Mark J. Tager on Secrets to a Glowing Complexion [page 22], offering insights and expert tips for achieving healthy, vibrant skin. The Kindness Cure: Helping Ourselves by Helping Others discusses the positive effects of kindness on our health [page 26] and Planting Seeds of Knowledge highlights the importance of teaching kids where their food comes from [page 29]. I hope you find inspiration in this issue to create and honor your personal milestones.


Here’s to celebrating the small victories!

 Kris Urquhart, Publisher