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Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast Florida

The Power of Connection

Jul 31, 2024 10:55AM ● By Kris Urquhart
Kris Urquhart, Publisher Natural Awakenings Space & Treasure Coast

My son Ryan and I tend to stir up conversation. In lines, waiting rooms, or gatherings we often strike up conversations with those around us. I’m not really sure how it happens, but it almost always does. One instance we were in a doctor’s waiting room for over three hours. It was an extreme situation, and we built a sense of comradery with the other patients stuck in the same situation. Not only did it provide entertainment, but it relieved much of the tension and stress in the waiting room.

“When we are out and about, we encounter people we don’t know—strangers in supermarket aisles, bank lines or walking their dogs in the local park. Instead of passing by without acknowledging them, we have the choice to say hello or exchange pleasantries,” shares Thais Harris in the feature article The Power of Community: Finding a Path to Meaningful Connection [page 14]. Striking up conversations with people in a shared space can uplift someone’s day and even lead to a new friendship.

In the article, In Search of the Healthiest Diet: Sustenance and Habits Inspired by Blue Zones [page 18], we explore how social interactions and shared meals contribute to our overall well-being. “By prioritizing physical activity, encouraging plant-based diets and creating spaces that promote social interactions, communities can reduce the incidence of chronic diseases and improve overall well-being,” says Dan Buettner, author of The Blue Zones Kitchen.

Building meaningful connections is a theme that resonates throughout this month’s issue. Discover the collective effort required to maintain our environment in Protecting Waterways: How Individuals Can Make a Real Difference [page 26]. Explore the transformative power of group support in overcoming personal challenges in The Power of Healing Circles: Resilience and Enjoyment in Nurturing Company [page 22]. Learn how communal activities like storytelling and singing around a fire can strengthen bonds in Gathering Around the Friendship Fire [page 33]. And delight in a heartwarming look at how pets enhance our social connections and emotional health in Pet Posse: Building a Network Around Our Animal Companions [page 30]. Then enjoy online exclusives at including Overcoming Generation Z Loneliness: Prioritizing Human Interactions Over Screen Time.

I hope this issue inspires you to connect with those around you, whether through casual conversations, community events, or shared meals.

Here’s to creating a more vibrant and connected world! 

Kris Urquhart, Publisher