Jul 01, 2015 04:40PM ● By Chip Griffin
Our memory is a vital part of our daily lives. To keep our memory sharp we can support the body with quality supplements, vitamins and minerals.
Jul 01, 2015 04:39PM ● By Robin Graves
In order to excel in any sport an athlete must be committed and believe in themselves. Reaching the top goes beyond the love of the game and one's potential.
Jun 30, 2015 11:14AM
Iranian carpal-tunnel patients that rubbed flaxseed oil on their wrist for four weeks reported significantly less pain and more mobility.
Dwelling on a stressful event—such as a public speaking performance—raises levels of C-reactive protein, an inflammation marker linked to heart disease.
Scientists have found that letting high-risk children eat peanuts before their first birthday sharply slashes their allergy risk.
Just 15 minutes of mindfulness meditation a day lowered four markers of hypertension in a study of 15 African-American men.
A study of 3 million people concluded that people that are lonely and isolated have as great a risk of early death as heavy smokers, alcoholics and the obese.
British veterinarians found that cats do indeed pick at their food in hot weather—eating 15 percent less—and logically eat more in winter.
Jun 01, 2015 03:31PM
Holistic health practitioners must know the nature of a patient’s problem before they can design a protocol to address it.
Jun 01, 2015 02:20PM
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) is considered a reactive, preventable, and chronic condition in which a person develops significant increased sensitivities to chemicals and other irritants.
Jun 01, 2015 01:54PM ● By Misty Dawn
There are a variety natural herbs and oils that can replace many of the synthetic products in your family’s medicine cabinet. Here are four to consider keeping on hand.
Jun 01, 2015 01:53PM ● By Lisa Kittel
The pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, plays a vital role to proper metabolic balance.
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