Natural Weight-loss
“That’s it! If this doesn’t work I’ll just have to be fat and happy,” decided my sister, Laurie. As we move into and through our 50’s staying healthy has brought new challenges. We are finding that exercise and a healthy diet are not the only components to maintaining an ideal weight. Lately, it seems exercising more is not equal to a reduction in pounds. Fortunately, we’ve partnered with our knowledgeable holistic doctor to understand which hormones are out of balance and what nutrients need to be supplemented. We have each been following our custom health plans. I have experienced significant improvement in overall energy; I am sure I am on the road to a healthier 2012. Since the New Year is the perfect time to focus on overall health I think I will make some new healthy resolutions.
I am always interested to pick up new tips for exercise and nutrition. Brendan Brazier, a former professional triathlete, tells us in our Conscious Eating Column [page 26] that “The perfect combination for me is a whole food, Earth-friendly plant-based diet. But even small changes—like adding these seven clean, quality super foods to a person’s daily diet—can help decrease body fat, diminish visible signs of aging, boost energy without caffeine or sugar, enhance mood and improve sleep quality.” I am particularly interested in diminishing those aging signs, so I will add Brendan’s “7 steps to thrive” to my resolution list!
This month’s special focus is natural weight-loss. You’ll find tips on natural therapies that can help you shed those unwanted pounds, plus, we’ve pulled together a guide of local practitioners that specialize in helping to unravel the weight-loss mystery. Our local natural community abounds with knowledgeable resources, be sure and give them a call if you can benefit from their services. To help support a nutritious diet, you will find yummy soups that even kids will love. In our Natural Pet column discover how veterinary acupuncture is treating conditions in pets ranging from muscle injuries to gastrointestinal disorders. Then in our Wisewords column, Deepok Chopra explores what it means to be a conscious being.
As we glide into 2012, we have many exciting plans on the horizon. Natural Awakenings is producing our 9th annual Healthy Living Expo on Saturday, February 25, so mark your calendar! We are excited to announce our new iPhone/iPad app; watch our pages for more details. Plus, the new Natural Awakenings webstore is now open (more details on our website). We are excited to start this new year and wish for you a very happy, healthy, and prosperous New Year!
Here’s to a healthy 2012!