Matters of the Heart
Feb 01, 2020 06:00AM ● By Kris Urquhart
I’m in love with a tiny gift I received last holiday season. It came in a small box with a hinged lid and tucked inside is a collapsible metal straw with a silicone center that is handy to keep in my purse. I have other metal and glass straws I use at home, but I like to avoid single-use plastic straws when out and about. It is fun to be able to pop my new straw open and drop in my glass. It even has a pretty rainbow hue so that makes my heart happy when I use it.
In our Green Living article, Disrupting Disposables, we examine the movement to dramatically cut down on single-use plastics. Many businesses and individuals are working to divert plastics from our waste system and are providing plastic-free alternatives. “A lot of local folks have really changed their perspective. We see a lot more customers coming in and saying they appreciate that we are using compostable cups and compostable straws,” says plastic-free cafe owner Dana Honn. Helping to protect our environment from plastic waste is a nice way to show our love for Mother Earth.
Love may be in the air this month, but our editorial team has been focused on matters of the heart – the one that keeps us alive and well. In our feature article Sacred Vessels, writer Julie Peterson examines the crucial role of the vascular system and how simple, natural lifestyle choices can prevent or remediate damage that can result in a heart attack, stroke, vision loss and cognitive decline. While lifestyle changes have the power to restore heart health, the field of regenerative medicine is making great strides in rejuvenating joints, ligaments, tendons and tissues by stimulating the body’s natural healing process using a patient’s own platelets, growth factors, adipose, stem cells and other methods. Regenerative therapy isn’t just for humans, find out how pets can also benefit from prolotherapy. To keep your heart healthy, consider incorporating seasonal vegetables into your diet with recipes that feature winter health boosters. This month as we take time to celebrate the ones we love, let’s be sure to love ourselves with heart-healthy choices as well.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Kris Urquhart, Publisher