Rejuvenation~anti-aging without surgery
Apr 07, 2011 05:17PM
In the quest to maintain a youthful, beautiful appearance, we go on diets, apply creams, buy books, join groups, and work out at gyms. For some people, this is enough. Many of us, though, still struggle with our appearance. Some people turn to radical measures such as face lifts, liposuction, and tummy tucks to try to have the appearance they desire. While dramatic, these procedures are painful, expensive and risky, and do nothing to address the underlying causes of an aging or flabby appearance, such as poor circulation, poor digestion, and poor muscle tone. For many people who would like to improve their appearance but who don’t want to undergo surgery, acupuncture can provide a pain-free, more natural, less invasive, and less expensive alternative to surgery that can simultaneously reduce the signs of aging, curb appetite, and improve muscle tone, digestion, and overall health and well-being.
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