Apr 01, 2011 01:45AM ● By Dr. Daniel Weber
The most effective exercises for lower back pain and injuries are all classified as 'Dynamic Stabilization Exercises' (DSE). The theory behind these types of rehabilitative exercise is to achieve strengthening of the core muscle stabilizers of the spine, while keeping the patient in a neutral spine position. In other words, we are going to get the back strong again without putting undue stress and strain on the injured disc, facets and ligaments.
Apr 01, 2011 01:43AM ● By Dr. Chris Edwards
Teeth whitening services are popping up in mall kiosks and beauty parlors raising the question: Is this practicing dentistry?
Apr 01, 2011 01:42AM ● By Jeffries
We all have an inherent need to spend time in Nature. Nature soothes the soul and our health and sense of well-being is directly connected to the health of our environment. Over thousands of years, Nature achieved balance among plants, animals, insects, and fungi. We too are a part of this interconnected web of life.
Apr 01, 2011 01:41AM ● By Amba Greene
Does it seem like you are ravenously hungry shortly after eating a large meal? Do you sit down and eat because it is mealtime even though you are still full from the last one? After eating, are you bloated, gassy or nauseous? Are you sleepy and sluggish after eating? If you don’t eat on time are you hypoglycemic?
Apr 01, 2011 01:36AM
Adding fresh organic whole fruits and vegetables to our daily meal plan gives our bodies an opportunity to cleanse, rejuvenate, and re-build themselves. When the body is nourished with foods that are rich in life force, digestive enzymes, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, its nutritional needs are met, hunger is quelled and the process of self-detoxification and cleansing begins naturally.
Apr 01, 2011 01:34AM
What do you do if you discover an orphaned baby squirrel, a displaced cottontail rabbit, a screech owl in need of flight training, a pelican tangled in monofilament dangling from a tree, or half a dozen abandoned river otters? Before you get in over your head or put yourself in a potentially dangerous or illegal situation, call the Florida Wildlife Hospital & Sanctuary (FWH). The above is just a small sampling of the thousands that have been treated at the hospital and the diverse and lengthy list includes kestrels, falcons, gannets, herons, songbirds, raccoons, skunks, turtles, and many others including endangered and threatened species.
Apr 01, 2011 01:31AM
What is "bioidentical" hormone replacement? Is this a good idea for you? Bioidentical means that the hormone is indistinguishable from your own human-made hormone. Bioidentical hormones are synthetic, they are made in laboratories by a multistep process from a basic cholesterol building block usually derived from Mexican Yam. By the time the product is finished, it is indistinguishable from your own native hormones.
Apr 01, 2011 01:29AM
While positive stress challenges us for better performance, negative stress and pressure accumulated for too long threaten our capacities to perform and to be happy. 60-90% of health related consultations are directly or indirectly influenced by stress levels.
Apr 01, 2011 01:25AM
Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Most of us take breathing for granted but for 35-million Americans living with chronic lung disease such as asthma, emphysema, or chronic bronchitis, it’s just not that easy. Unfortunately, lung disease has surpassed heart disease and cancer and is now the number three killer in America. Thankfully, The American Lung Association (ALA), originally founded in 1916 to fight tuberculosis, is now the lead agency promoting lung health and the prevention of lung disease nationally.
Apr 01, 2011 01:23AM
The human head weighs between 8 and 10 lbs and represents 8% of your total body mass. In a neutral posture position the head feels as if it weighs nothing because the body is perfectly balanced, but for every one inch the head moves forward, away from a neutral balanced posture, the head feels as if its weight has doubled. This is due to the effects of gravity and the tension placed on the neck muscles, the joints and the discs of the cervical spine.
Apr 01, 2011 01:22AM ● By Dr. Claire Stagg
It is perfectly natural to breathe through your mouth at certain times, such as when lifting a heavy load or running. Breathing through the mouth most of the time, however, can cause health problems. These problems can be especially severe for children because mouth breathing can affect the long-term development of the face.
Apr 01, 2011 01:20AM ● By Kimberle Smith
Blend cashews and water until creamy. Add agave, avocado and cacao and blend again until creamy. For added creaminess add 1 heaping tablespoon of coconut oil.
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