Apr 04, 2011 01:53AM ● By Susie Ruth
Little Earl and his parents were having a terrible time. Diagnosed as hyperactive and defiant at school and at home, the 7-year-old couldn’t seem to control his anger. One tumultuous week, it got so bad he was hospitalized for the weekend.
Apr 04, 2011 01:48AM ● By Katherine and Danny Dreyer
Earlier generations recognized the amazing effects that walking has on health. G. M. Trevelyan, a noted English historian, wrote in the 1920s: "I have two doctors. My left leg and my right."
Apr 04, 2011 01:44AM ● By Kandi Phillips
Sleep is necessary to regenerate certain parts of the body, especially the brain, so that it may continue to function optimally. Studies have revealed that by not getting enough rest we have a shorter attention span that leads to problems in concentration at school or work. According to the National Sleep Foundation, while our need for sleep changes with age, the average is 7-9 hours. The bedroom is considered the most important room in the house for relaxation and regeneration.
Apr 04, 2011 01:43AM ● By Dr. Claire Stagg
It is almost time to send the kids back to school and get them back into a regular routine. Making sure they get a good night’s sleep is essential for school success. The difference between a restless and a restful night has a lot to do with the quality and quality of your diet. When considering the best menu for sleep, keep in mind that the goal of eating is to provide the body with energy and that the time of day when energy is needed most is the morning. So remember to eat a nutritious breakfast and have no more than a light snack before bed in order to sleep well and feel your best each day.
Apr 04, 2011 01:42AM ● By Dr. Brian Walsh
Few things are as unnerving to a caring parent as seeing their child suffer from a painful earache. Most if not all parents will rush their child to the pediatrician and have them placed on antibiotics. Is this the right thing to do? What caused the earache in the first place? Is there something that can be done naturally that’s effective? Let’s answer each question in order.
Apr 04, 2011 01:40AM ● By Kimberle Smith
A study conducted by the University of Washington found that preschoolers eating primarily organic foods were exposed to fewer organophosphate pesticides than children eating primarily conventional foods. In 2006, the BBC reported that pesticides found in fruits and vegetables, and the decreased nutrients in non-organic produce, can cause mental health issues like depression, and memory problems in children and adults.
Apr 04, 2011 01:38AM ● By Dr. Daniel Weber
A recent study published in the Journal of Vertebral Subluxation Research suggests that chiropractic care may offer significant benefits to children suffering from learning disabilities and dyslexia.
Apr 04, 2011 01:32AM ● By Kris Urquhart
Rene's Raw Papaya Pie Recipe
Apr 03, 2011 10:14AM ● By Diana Daffner
Even in a great relationship, we sometimes focus on what’s wrong with our partner, rather than taking time to celebrate the love we share. Among the thousands of thoughts that pass through our minds each day, there are those that cause us to momentarily forget our positive feelings, to temporarily engage in negative criticisms and judgments. Most of us have these fleeting—or not so fleeting—thoughts. In fact, they are usually the same ones over and over. "She’s so disorganized." "He’s late again." "Can’t do anything right." In our minds, and sometimes out loud, we judge and belittle our partner for being who they are.
Apr 03, 2011 10:08AM ● By Robert Winn
We all have times when things aren't going the way we expected in our day or in or our lives. Maybe we feel anxious, frustrated or upset with someone or something. We feel closed off from the flow, like we are not supported by the universe. And this closed feeling is the perfect gift! It is a wake-up call from our soul: an intimate communication inviting us to "choose again" and reconnect.
Apr 03, 2011 10:02AM
Sri Bhagavan and Sri Amma, founders of the Oneness University in India have brought the Oneness Blessing to the world. They contend that the solution to humanity's problems can only be found through enlightenment. Their inspired vision is to enlighten 64,000 people around the world. In turn, these people will act to help transform the rest of humanity.
Apr 01, 2011 06:51PM ● By Diane Carr
Dr. Steve Alukonis is not your run-of-the-mill chiropractor. He could even be called the Sherlock Holmes of health. When patients come to him after they’ve exhausted conventional medical options, he starts asking questions. One of the few board certified Chiropractic Orthopedists in this area, Alukonis offers cutting-edge non-surgical spinal decompression, cold laser therapy, energy medicine, and electrically power-driven adjusting instruments. But more then that – he takes time to investigate with a comprehensive, analytical, approach.
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