Apr 09, 2011 03:26PM ● By Shawn R. Frost
Old MacDonald had a farm, but was it an organic one? Kids today still sing that favorite tune and are excited by the idea of a farm filled with plants and animals. Imagine bringing that to life by visiting an organic farm with your children. Inviting kids to see where our food comes from can give them a sense of excitement about food and how it affects their growing bodies. Visiting an organic farm is a great adventure for the kids and an opportunity to pick up some fresh organic fruits and vegetables. Call ahead to find out what they offer visitors. Many farms allow visitors to pick their own fruits straight off the vine. Kids especially enjoy this experience and often discover a new favorite food. Since fruits and vegetables can be seasonal, plan several visits at different times throughout the year. This gives kids the opportunity to see what is in season and try fresh fruits and vegetables. Expanding their variety of food preferences through discovery can make mealtime easier for Mom who may be struggling to introduce healthy alternatives to their child’s diet.
Apr 09, 2011 03:09PM ● By Christina Pirello
I am of the belief that the quality of foods we choose on a daily basis influence the health and vitality of our bodies. While it may not be the sole determinant of whether or not we are healthy, it is one of the most important—and it is the one over which we exercise control. We decide what we eat.
Apr 09, 2011 12:21AM
Actions truly do speak louder than words, and for infants, touch is the most profound communication they can receive. Infant massage is a wonderful way for parents to tell babies they are loved and cared for that also has profound physical and mental benefits for both parent and child.
Apr 09, 2011 12:18AM ● By Kandi Phillips
What you see in a person’s physical surroundings is an extension of one’s life. The shapes, colors, textures, number arrangement, and arrangement of furniture has a direct affect on our overall mental and emotional state. This is a hard realization for most of us; however, with a few simple techniques, we can overcome the same habits that slow us down and affect our well-being.
Apr 07, 2011 07:02PM
Are you tired, lethargic, feeling like you can’t possibly get together enough energy to make it through the day? Do you rely on caffeine or other stimulants to help you cope? Do you know that you are over-scheduling your or your child’s life, but feel you have to because everyone else does? Do you often feel that you would like to just pull your covers over your head and scream "NO" to the whole world? Then chances are, you are OVERSTRESSED! It was reported recently, in Forbes magazine, that 76% of Americans are regularly sleeping less than seven hours a night, and much of that sleep would not be considered quality sleep.
Apr 07, 2011 07:01PM ● By Melissa Steinman
The sport of rock climbing started gaining popularity in the 1920s. It was a sport for the extremely adventurous and slightly off base personalities. “Climbing gear” as we know it was non-existent. Most climbers used hemp ropes, and home made gear made from nuts and bolts. The goal: the summit of the mountain. The sport quickly became refined and an industry was born with the sole purpose of making rock climbing safe. It wasn’t until the mid 70s that rock climbing gyms came about. Avid climbers driven inside by harsh weather, bolted plywood to the walls of warehouses and screwed on rocks. Today the rock climbing gym is an industry all itself.
Apr 07, 2011 06:58PM
More people suffer from depression than you might think. Depression strikes people of all ages, backgrounds, and ethnic groups. Estimates range between 19 to 34 million American adults suffer from depressive disorders. Nearly twice as many women as men are affected by a depressive illness each year.
Apr 07, 2011 06:57PM
Keep away bugs? Yes bugs, even No-see-ums, typically are dissuaded by lavender, avoid rose geranium and are repelled by citronella and cedarwood. Use pure plant essential oils to protect yourself and create a space that is conducive to well being with little or no interference. There are a variety of ways to use pure essential oils such as in a mister, a body lotion, a diffuser, on a fan or screen. Some essential oils can be applied directly on to the body. Others may be spread into the atmosphere in a variety of ways.
Apr 07, 2011 06:55PM
You can lift the cap off a citrus essential oil and breathe in the fresh light air of spring. Opening up the olfactory system with a conscious mind-set triggered by the natural scent components that stimulate, regulate and balance our body, mind and spirit.
Apr 07, 2011 06:54PM
We need to wake up and smell the SPF: Skin cancer is the most pervasive cancer in the United States. Every year, more than 1,000,000 cases are diagnosed, and that number exceeds all other cancers combined. Amongst these cases, statistics bear out that nearly 100,000 are diagnosed as melanoma, the deadliest form skin cancer, and for which there is no cure. So what can you do to protect your skin?
Apr 07, 2011 06:52PM
Saw Palmetto is a small palm tree native to the West Indies and the Atlantic Coast of North America, from South Carolina to Florida. It grows 6-10 feet tall with 2-4 foot, spiney-toothed leaves that form a circular fan-shaped outline. Its berries were first used by the American Indians in Florida in the early 1700s to treat testicular atrophy, erectile dysfunction, and prostate gland swelling or inflammation.
Apr 07, 2011 06:51PM
Everyday, we adjust ourselves in order to maintain homeostasis. If we are unable to adjust to these changes, we become sick. The human body is capable of healing itself with little assistance, as long as we do not get in the way of this healing process nor disregard its warning signs. The more aware of our bodies and the little changes that we experience, the easier it is to deal with any health adjustments necessary to maintain wellness.
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