Apr 10, 2011 12:15PM
It has been said that putting water over magnets changes the molecular structure of the water. In the book, Discovery of Magnetic Health by George J.Washnis and Richard Z. Hricak, Dr. Barefoot states that the "hydroxylation of water by magnetism creates a digestive environment that simulates the absorption of minerals." The authors expansively cover biological effects of magnetic fields, electromagnetic vs. permanent magnets, comparison of poles, case studies, and how to apply magnetotherapy for a wide variety of conditions.
Apr 10, 2011 12:08PM
Seventy five percent of all Americans, including millions of children, have silent inflammation. Your current weight, state of health and chronic disease risk is determined by how well you control the inflammatory process. You can be at a normal weight, even a world class athlete, and silent inflammation can be raging out of control. You can also be overweight and control silent inflammation with long-chain omega-3 fatty acids that are found in fish oil. Scientists and researchers found that Eskimos in Greenland have very little coronary heart disease when eating their native diet which is very high in fat. Most of fat in their diet comes from sea mammals and contain large amounts of the same long-chain omega 3 fatty acids found in fish oil.
Apr 10, 2011 12:05PM
What does "Happy New Year," mean for you? Does it mean you just celebrated an occasion that had you cheering and shouting the words, "Happy New Year," and now it’s over until next year? Or does it literally mean "Be Happy, it is a New Year?" What ever it may mean for you, it will only take on the meaning you choose to give it.
Apr 10, 2011 12:03PM
Dogs love aromatherapy and by following a few guidelines man’s best friend can reap the benefits of pure plant essential oils. A dog’s olfactory system is much more acute than ours. It is believed that dogs have receptors up to twenty times more concentrated than humans so a little essential oil goes a long way.
Apr 10, 2011 12:01PM
Thanksgiving brings thoughts of renewing our spirit of health, weight control, increased energy and freedom from sickness and disease and the healthy mental state to recognize our many blessings.
Apr 09, 2011 04:17PM ● By David Rindge, L.Ac., RN
Two factors in virtually all sinusitis are allergies and infection. Infection is usually overlooked when it is sub-acute or when drainage is clear as in viral infections. Three out of four sinus infections are viral, and they will not respond to the antibiotics so commonly prescribed for them. The following protocol is a highly effective marriage of modern technology and herbal medicine.
Apr 09, 2011 04:10PM
We as humans in a fast societal pace would not survive if we had to replace all we have taken. Waste is something that, unfortunately, naturally occurs. Yet, we can sure help to diminish this by being as conscious as possible in out daily lives and habits. Be conscious of giving back to the earth what's been taken, even a little bit helps, intent is good. If we all can remember and practice even a little bit of Earth Day everyday, we will help build a better place day by day.
Apr 09, 2011 04:00PM
Chinese Medicine is a philosophy based on treating the body as a total unit. It originated thousands of years ago, and still knows that nature provides us with treatments which can successfully cure most ailments. Teaching the patient to become in tune with their body, pains, symptoms, and feelings in combination with the use of herbal medicine and acupuncture can provide a daily existence which is closer to the healthy happy life which we have gotten so far away from.
Apr 09, 2011 03:56PM
What would it be like to be a money magnet and to actually attract a lot of money? How would it be different? What would it FEEL like?
Apr 09, 2011 03:48PM ● By David Rindge
Today’s scientific healthcare breakthroughs often appear more quickly than the means to put them into practice. And once in a great while, practitioners arrive at a Star-Trek-like phenomenon that truly astonishes. Such is the case with the 21st century’s highly-versatile low level laser therapy (LLLT). The effects of laser light at low intensity have been compared to Dr. Leonard McCoy’s tricorder, the hand-held, energetic healing device able to quickly identify and cure a plethora of medical conditions.
Apr 09, 2011 03:47PM ● By Peter Holyk, MD, CNS
The subject of “Anti-Aging” has been prominent in the media recently. Clearly it is a subject that is of great interest to the “Aging Baby Boomer” generation, yet it is anything but simple. Aging and its symptoms stem from a wide variety of causes, one of which is our hormones.
Apr 09, 2011 03:35PM ● By Jane McClain
When my first child was born 31 years ago, I vowed that I would be the Perfect Parent of the Perfect Child. Of course, I was very young and didn’t know how hard it would be to raise a child, let alone raise a perfect child. I didn’t realize I had set my family up for disaster with that vow of perfection or that I had sentenced myself to living behind a mask.
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