Apr 04, 2011 05:32PM
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a naturally occurring hormone that is produced during pregnancy. Stephanie Buttaccio, AP, DOM explains that HCG signals the hypothalamus to release energy stores (fat) to support the developing fetus. In non-pregnant, overweight women, HCG curbs the appetite and by tricking the body into thinking it’s pregnant, the body burns fat, not muscle. “Weight loss can equal a pound daily, when combined with a 500-750 calorie diet, says Buttacio. “People taking HCG have a much lower hunger level, feel energetic, and continue to lose weight without stagnating even with reduced caloric intake.”
Apr 04, 2011 05:30PM
The Herb Corner is offering Reclaiming Our Roots, an introductory class that provides health-promoting herbal skills that have nearly been lost to the modern world. This seven-month learning journey provides an in-depth study of the healing properties of herbs for women, men, children, and pets. It covers all body systems, conditions associated with each system, and beneficial herbs for these systems/conditions. Students learn how to treat non-emergency health problems and gain an understanding of the basics of herbal medicine.
Apr 04, 2011 05:27PM
To give families a healthier, fresher, and cost-effective alternative to store bought produce, Fresh Box Organics is offering home delivery service. You can select to receive organic fruit, vegetable, or mixed fruit/veggie boxes. Fresh Box Organics chooses contents based on the freshest arrivals from their organic farms. Different size boxes contain varying amount and types of produce such as such as apples, mangoes, oranges, strawberries, cucumbers, gold peppers, romaine lettuce, fennel, tangelos, zucchini, beets, carrots, celery, chard, avocado, and pears.
Apr 04, 2011 05:26PM
Same-sex relationships have many of the same intimacy challenges as other couples. Diana Daffner, author of Tantric Sex for Busy Couples, is presenting her teachings in a program specifically designed for lesbian couples. Andrea Askowitz, author of My Miserable, Lonely, Lesbian Pregnancy, attended the Intimacy Retreat and said, “It's sexy, loving, intimate, freaky, silly... all of that and so much fun. But most of all, it's so important!”
Apr 04, 2011 05:24PM
Lily's Organic Buying Club is now open to the public seven days-a-week at their new storefront location adjacent to Satellite Beach's breakfast and lunch eatery, Breakfast at Lily's. The buying club offers a full line of certified organic produce and grocery including grass-fed, organic meats, poultry, and dairy.
Apr 04, 2011 05:23PM
Bikram Yoga Space Coast is excited to announce the opening of their studio in Titusville. Bikram Yoga is a series of twenty-six Hatha Yoga postures and two Pranayama breathing exercises designed to provide a challenging, invigorating, rejuvenating, and effective yoga experience. Students work every muscle, tendon, ligament, joint, and internal organ in the body during a 90-minute class resulting in a heightened sense of well-being.
Apr 04, 2011 05:21PM
Aquarian Dreams is pleased to offer Introduction to Chakra Awakening workshop with Llewellyn published author Margaret Ann Lembo. Her book, Chakra Awakening, offers tools for life transformation including how to use color, crystals, aromatherapy, and positive affirmations to effect life changes. Lembo’s workshop will include how to bring balance, prosperity, joy, and overall wellness into one’s life as well as how to use gemstones and crystals to tap into the energy within. This event gives participants an overview of the seven main chakras that influence everything from prosperity and self-confidence to communication and intuition. Lembo suggests people attend the workshop “to experience simple techniques with gems, crystals, affirmations, and aromatherapy, manifest any goal, and create positive change in your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.”
Apr 04, 2011 05:19PM
Appleseed Health Foods in Rockledge announces the availability of weekly raw food and produce boxes. “All of us here at Appleseed believe quality food is the primary foundation of good health and nutrition,” says co-owner Kurt Nall. “We continue to work to bring good food to our community.
Apr 04, 2011 03:14PM ● By Tim Bag
Carpet cleaning can be a fairly toxic practice. Standard cleaning formulas contain a combination of harsh chemical solvents and detergents. After cleaning, these harmful residues remain in the carpet and are released into the air. This "toxic soup" affects the health of every member of the family, especially small children and pets.
Apr 04, 2011 03:12PM ● By Dr. Deepti Sadhwani
Low-fat diets have been widely promoted for lowering cholesterol levels, for reducing body weight, and for preventing certain types of cancer. At least one study, however, has found that although a reduction in cholesterol may reduce mortality from heart disease it may increase the incidence of fatal accidents, violent deaths, suicides, and depression. Researchers at the University of Arizona now believe that they may have found an explanation for this phenomenon. They point out that fat restriction and cholesterol-lowering drugs may change the concentrations of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in the tissues including nerve tissue (neurons). Fat-restricting diets usually lead to a relative increase in the intake of omega-6 PUFAs and a relative decrease in the intake of omega-3 fatty acids. This can have serious consequences in as much as the omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) found in fish oils, are crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system. Several large-scale studies have found a clear association between low blood levels of EPA and DHA and an increased risk of depression, violence and suicide; a recent study in Japan found that DHA supplementation reduced aggression among healthy Japanese students.
Apr 04, 2011 03:11PM ● By By Dr. Stephen H. Canuel
Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is a new technology used primarily to treat disc injuries in the neck and in the low back. This safe treatment option utilizes FDA cleared equipment to apply distraction forces to spinal structures in a precise and graduated manner. Distraction is offset by cycles of partial relaxation. This technique of spinal decompression therapy, that is, unloading due to distraction and positioning, has shown the ability to gently separate the vertebrae from each other, creating a vacuum inside the discs that we are targeting. This "vacuum effect" is also known as negative intra-discal pressure.
Apr 04, 2011 03:09PM
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