Apr 11, 2011 10:16PM
The Cold Laser was designed by a team of doctors and medical engineers in the 1960’s and has been used around the world since then to improve healing and reduce pain in patient care. Now approved by the FDA, this painless therapy is capable of penetrating two inches into the treated tissues, resulting in a photochemical reaction that produces an increase in the cellular metabolic rate. This increase speeds up cellular repair and stimulates the immune, lymphatic and vascular systems resulting in the reduction of pain, inflammation and swelling. A recent study at Baylor College of Medicine and General Motors Co. has documented an 82% success rate in pain reduction of Carpal Tunnel patients treated in a double blind study. The Cold Laser is also used for the treatment of joint injuries, tendonitis and tennis elbow, hip and leg pain, shoulder and neck pain, arthritis, TMJ syndrome and neuralgia. Many professional and college sports teams are now treating their athletes with Cold Laser Therapy.
Apr 11, 2011 10:14PM
New regulations in the Florida public schools say your child will receive a special diploma if they cannot pass the tenth grade FCAT. This regulation combined with FCAT stress is creating concern. As parents have discovered, that “special” diploma has no value when trying to get into college and the military, they must seek other alternatives. Now technology is making it possible for parents to enjoy the luxury of home schooling with the support of a private school.
Apr 11, 2011 10:12PM
With summer upon us, and along with it, the seasonal increase of the mosquito population, the following essential oils would be a most pleasant alternative to the harsh chemical solutions so readily available.
Apr 11, 2011 10:09PM
Reflexology can help improve circulation to all the tissues through out the body. As we crush the crystalline deposits in the sum 7200 nerve endings in each foot we release these poisons into the bloodstream. The blood stream is responsible for carrying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and carrying off the carbon dioxide and other waste from the cells. Your body consists of an estimated 30 to 40 trillion cells which need nutrition, oxygen and waste removal. There is an incredible network of tubing that transports all of the fluids through out your body, including the hormones, the blood, food, oxygen, lymphatic fluid, etc.
Apr 11, 2011 10:07PM
Habits are behaviors which we repeat so often we don’t have to think about them. They are automatic. In many ways habits simplify our lives.
Apr 11, 2011 10:02PM
We’ve heard so much about poor indoor air quality and its impact on our health but could these same chemicals be making us fat? Have you ever asked yourself, “Why am I eating less and still gaining weight?”
Apr 11, 2011 10:00PM
Undergoing the many treatments prescribed by doctors for cancer can often create conditions that feel unbearable in order to create future healing. If you know someone undergoing this type of recovery consider an aromatherapy blend created to help comfort the soul, sooth stress and confused emotions, nourish the body cells, and help prevent or alleviate the often traumatic and painful consequences of treatment and disease. Even those who wish to help to maintain a well nourished and healthy being can benefit by using this body blend that soaks through the skin to get into the lymph glands, circulatory system, and reach the brains' center to encourage relaxation and restoration to the body, mind, and spirit.
Apr 11, 2011 09:53PM ● By Elise Mahovlich and Gloria Hidalgo
Menopause – the word strikes fear into women approaching their 50’s. Women have been conditioned to fear, resent, resist and struggle through a naturally powerful event in their lives. The controversy around hormone replacement therapy (HRT), spurred by the landmark 2002 National Institutes of Health-sponsored Women’s Health Initiative study that revealed the link of HRT with increased risk of heart attack, stroke or breast cancer, raised more questions than answers. Women are now looking for natural alternatives to reduce symptoms and navigate these years with grace and ease.
Apr 11, 2011 04:32PM ● By Patricia V. Scott, C.Ht.
Ask most Americans what it would take for them to achieve and maintain a healthy body weight, and they will probably answer correctly: “Eat healthier, smaller portions, and exercise regularly.” Many could even tell you what “healthy” foods should be included. So, what is the problem? Americans spend millions of dollars every year on diet pills, foods, shots, books, and weight-loss programs of every kind. You only have to take a walk through a mall to see the sad results.
Apr 11, 2011 04:28PM ● By Dave Bryan
What is Pilates? Developed by German-born Joseph H. Pilates, this exercise method is everything you can imagine. Concisely, it is a part of your everyday living. The body mechanics involved in our day–to-day activities are all movements that the Pilates method embraces and encourages, as well as develops and corrects. Pilates is a versatile method that provides healing for a broad spectrum of conditions, including poor posture, incorrect body alignment, and extremely tight muscles. This method utilizes key principles such as concentration, centering, control, precision, breath and flow. While this may sound simple it is far from easy. That is why a certified instructor closely supervises the series of controlled movements. The instructor adjusts movements and breathing to maximize the benefits of each exercise.
Apr 11, 2011 04:25PM ● By Vicki Chelf
In Western nutrition, we do not take into consideration the cooling and warming effects that foods have on our bodies. In both traditional Chinese medicine and Ayur Veda however, this is very significant. In fact, heat and cold, according to Paul Pitchford in Healing With Whole Foods, are the two most important aspects of traditional Chinese nutritional healing. It is not difficult to have a basic understanding of this concept, and make it work to help you keep cool in our intense Florida heat.
Apr 11, 2011 01:41AM
Modern medicine is very detailed in its knowledge of human physiology and pathology. Nevertheless, the state of good health has yet to be defined. Just as Einstein’s most famous equation (e=mc2) appears very simple, these criteria seem deceptively simple. However, they are based on profound theory. Einstein’s famous equation began as a complex theory, which was then greatly simplified to the immortalized equation. The same holds true for these five criteria.
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