Apr 11, 2011 12:54AM
As the dark days of December transform into the growing light of a new year, it is only natural to want to participate in that same transformation in ourselves, to feel rejuvenated and regenerated and renewed. Many of us have made resolutions, pledges or even vows to finally get fit, lose weight, or improve our health and appearance. Help in keeping our promises can come from what is, for many, an unexpected source: acupuncture and Oriental medicine.
Apr 11, 2011 12:53AM ● By David Brossart, M.S., M.L.S.
Okay…Sniffy, Sneezy, Teary, and Wheezy are not four adorable Disney dwarves. They are four troublesome symptoms of rhinitis, a condition caused by household mold.
Apr 11, 2011 12:51AM
From the time a woman enters her teens, she has health needs that differ greatly from those of men. Often these needs are met with hormones or other medications that have the potential for unwanted side effects.
Apr 11, 2011 12:49AM
Skin, all by itself, ages in many identifiable ways. It isn't just oxygen depletion, free-radical damage, collagen destruction, reduced cell turnover, abnormal cell formation, decreased fat content, intercellular deficiency, genetically predetermined cell shutdown, and hormone loss that affect the way skin ages--it is a combination of all these things and more taking place.
Apr 11, 2011 12:48AM
Perhaps we have an innate wisdom or ability to recognize what is good for us. We feel exhilarated by quick-running water, experience bliss at the foot of waterfalls, and feel invigorated by the smell of waves breaking on rocks. We appreciate fountains in our parks and cities. All these places are negatively charged because of the so called Lenard effect, whereby neg-ions are produced by the friction of water droplets breaking up in the air.
Apr 11, 2011 12:45AM
Do you want to stay in bed in the morning or do you resist going to work every day? Are you often sick? Do you have a tendency to miss work because you don’t care about it? Do you have a great paying job that is hard to let go of it even if it is very stressful? Do the days drag on and you lack the energy to do your job? According to some statistics, 60% of people hate their job. If you answered yes to any of these questions you may be one of them.
Apr 11, 2011 12:44AM
Did you know the sigh is a healing sound? Do you realize you usually make that sound when you are feeling overwhelmed and intuitively you seek to release emotional stagnation and stress and induce release and relaxation? Sounds have been used for a variety of purposes for a millennia. Mankind has used sounds to create or affect different mental states. For different forms of emotional expression we have used sounds for a variety of reasons among them empowerment and worship, wonder and sadness, pleasure and pain, anger and healing.
Apr 11, 2011 12:39AM
Did you ever think that your bite could relate to your posture? Most people don’t. Typically, when people think of good posture, they think of standing up straight. Yet a growing number of dentists, physical therapists and chiropractors are realizing that your bite can affect your posture – and, your posture can affect your bite.
Apr 11, 2011 12:38AM
For many couples, the birth of a child represents the pinnacle of their relationship and the fulfillment of their marriage. If you are facing infertility, however, it often remains an elusive and unfulfilled dream, even after years of heartbreaking attempts and the best treatment modern medicine has to offer. More and more of couples are now discovering that Chinese medicine can often offer hope even when other treatments have failed.
Apr 10, 2011 11:59PM
Since the early 20th century, Cardiovascular Disease has been the leading cause of death and claims more lives each year than the next three leading causes of death combined.
Apr 10, 2011 11:58PM
Hair Analysis is a simple, inexpensive laboratory test that uses a small hair sample to determine body mineral levels and toxic metals. It has a proven track record with more than 30 years of clinical research and is EPA approved for detecting the presence of toxic metals.
Apr 10, 2011 11:57PM
Why does a disc in your back get thinner? Think about a moist thick household sponge. A healthy disc is mostly made of water. It also has circular fibers and fibers that cris-cross, so that you can bend and twist in all different directions, allowing you to vacuum, play tennis, and more. When it is thick, it has lots of moisture. Like the household sponge when it is thinner, it is drying out.
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